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Tag : Second Amendment

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A few nutcases are not representative of the majority ownership.

[view] [2,274 page views]

Absurd begets Absurd

[view] [2,100 page views]

... the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed ...

[view] [2,551 page views]

Democrat Senator Bob Menendez demonstrates he (and comrades) know zero about firearms.

[view] [2,255 page views]

It's often derided as apples to oranges ... but is it really?

[view] [5,765 page views]

Own firearms? Now Maryland can just take them.

[view] [2,111 page views]

2nd and 3rd order effects are never what they seem.

[view] [2,308 page views]

The ability of manufacturing a firearm entirely at home is becoming more realistic with affordable 3D printers and CNC mills.

[view] [2,898 page views]

Sometimes its incredible how many facets of life are potentially touched by excessive gun control advocacy.

[view] [3,924 page views]

Sound the usual - "they're gonna take all our guns" alarm.

[view] [1,752 page views]

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